What is DiffAtOnce? Get self-diffusion coefficients and molecular size and shape in an easy way.
DiffAtOnce works out the diffusion coeficient of Einstein-Stokes equation and implements the microfriction theory.
DiffAtOnce is a software package able to obtain quantitative self-diffusion data in a very straightforward manner allowing the calculation of radii including different molecular models which is not only restricted to spheres.
The program works with any conventional or “home-made” sequence, and allows the introduction of different standards, viscosities, gradient-pulse shapes, sequences and so forth.
NMR data from major manufacturers can be imported and all processing is done in a user-friendly graphical user interface under three different languages (Spanish, English and German).
The program is written in .NET and Visual C# in a free-standing compiled version for PC-platforms and it is alowed to save data in two different database technologies.
In addition, DiffAtOnce is allowed to manage every saved project through its own database.
Futhermore, DiffAtOnce export your project data doing reports for your scientific work in Excel, PDF and PostScript.